green marketing
We are passionate about working with green organizations. From conducting research on green behavior, nurturing seeds of ideas, and developing and executing 360 degree campaigns, we create unique, recognizable brand identities. We highlight impact, whether it’s the volume of recycled materials, the reduction of landfill waste, or the conservation and restoration of valuable park land. Those are the kind of achievements that will allow green brands to produce bountiful results.

green marketing project gallery

As a newly launched organization, we have relied on WW to help us create the right image and make the best first impression. WW created the Bye Bye Mattress brand to create differentiation from MRC as well as other recycling programs. The brand also communicated a call to action (saying goodbye or disposing of your mattress) and was a catchy phrase that would be memorable to consumers. Today, users that directly enter into the search bar is nearly 40% of the website traffic, proving the effectiveness of WW’s ongoing efforts to build and maintain awareness of the program.
Amanda Wall
Manager of Consumer Communications
Mattress Recycling Council